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[War3] 1.30.2 PTR Updated

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:36 am
Pete Stilwell

Greetings Raiders, Tinkerers, Harbingers, and Wardens,

The last test realm catalyzed a lot of good discussion. We appreciate the critique and continue to be sensitive to the many ways we all enjoy Warcraft III. Overall, communication has been civil and oriented toward actionable feedback. Thank you.

This new iteration to the PTR addresses a number of issues we can all agree upon. Included in the patch notes are other features we will integrate within 1.30.2 before its release. PTR is for testing ideas - be it balance or features - and we will continue to use it as such.

Specific Changes & Improvements
Added a filter for lobby name
Added a filter for map name (prefix with @)

Previously Added
Maps will now be uploaded and downloaded from the cloud
All custom games from all gateways are now visible in the lobby browser
Port forwarding is no longer required to host your favorite map
Encrypted network traffic
Updated custom game listing to have all games (for filtering) but list still shows the first 100 games
Added region filter to custom game filter
Added auto refresh of game information if less than 100 games on list
Custom games that are full (or unjoinable) get auto grayed out on games list (refresh to remove)

Bug Fixes
Mac clients can now join games hosted by Windows clients
Arranged teams invitations working
Client identifies Reign of Chaos for stats properly
Fixed icons in chat
Improved message when creating accounts that already exist
Improved message for login errors
Fixed crash when canceling map download
Fixed crash when joining full game

Known Issues
Client slows down if left open for multiple hours
Custom games can end when host leaves

In Progress Features
Kick and ban functions for game lobbies
Display player latency in the game lobbies
Evaluating how to gracefully handle count down experience when players leave
Evaluating experience when players drop due to network issues